You had wished the stars were blue, were true, were unity. You had wished for better endings, better beginnings, better middles. You had wished for world peace, a cliche romance, an adventure of epic proportions. I had wished for you to shut up. You stopped wishing.
This isn't you, or me, or them. It's us and it makes my head hurt, and it makes my feet hurt, and it makes my knees hurt. It's everything and it's a love/hate thing for me. It's a love/hate thing for everyone. Isn't the world amazing? In essence, yes. It is.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Done on Adobe Photoshop, using one triangle and many, many free transforms. I was positive that rotating a triangle on an axis would create a circle, I just never expected it to look this amazing.
I find hope in clouds. But if my existence is earthbound, why am I seduced by winged beings?
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
I dislike the sea.
If I had one wish I would wish to rule the world.
I'm generally one for fantasy. I've always believed that a perfect world would be a world filled with magic. Filled with clouds, and rainbows, and appreciative people.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
"It's a matter of overabundant testosterone." I've forever wanted to live in a cloud. I imagine Heaven would be a farm, where the ground is clouds, and your only job is to take care of the sheep.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
I once had wished to become a fish. It didn't come true.